Our team covers all aspects of the investment and divestment process
Our management of investment is based on detailed IRR models. We strive to be realistic and cautious when it comes to repositioning and capital expenditure budgets, as well as letting assumptions.
Our team is deeply engaged in all aspects of the due-diligence and pre-transaction processes.
We have extensive experience in conducting complex acquisitions, sales and financing negotiations. We strive to optimise the use of external advisors, but never delegate the responsibility for addressing key risk and value drivers.
Our in-house team together with long-term external advisors provide a reliable and cost-optimised back-office service for the transaction and post-transaction periods.
In-house and outsourced
The in-house leasing team is responsible for managing relations with outside agents and hands-on negotiations of the lease agreements, including coordinating fit-outs with the technical team. The team has been leasing about 20 000 m2 of space annually since 2014.
We manage buildings, SPVs and portfolios
When it comes to property management, we focus on flexibility and cost-optimisation. Some of our properties are managed (under close supervision) by external property managers. Others are under our direct property management team, contracted out on a cost-plus basis.
Our in-house property management team oversees the maintenance of current rent-rolls and is responsible for the preparation and implementation of the annual service charge budgets. We use a multi-layered review process for overseeing all material building maintenance expenditures.
Our in-house technical team is responsible for annual capex budgeting and oversight or project management of specific capital investment projects implemented in the portfolios. It is also responsible for driving the on-going fit-out programmes and ensuring that the costs are kept under control.
Group accounting and tax planning for the managed portfolio are outsourced and verified by the in-house team. Consolidated financial accounts as well as bank reporting are performed in-house.
Our in-house team ensures full implementation of corporate and compliance services required to maintain the investment portfolios we manage.
We implement the process from sourcing to completion, for new and existing developments as well as redevelopments
Our team prepares the business case and the main project assumptions, in terms of leasable area and expected rental levels. Subsequently, we oversee the preliminary concept design and construction costing (with our technical team or external contractors)
Following the preliminary design and costing, we develop a bottom-up financial model, inclusive of all commercial assumptions and IRR calculations. We then confirm investment interest from equity and debt funders
Subject to investors’ interest, we develop a detailed design and cost budget and undertake a value-engineering process to optimize capital outlays. We develop a pre-leasing plan and conduct preliminary discussions with the general contractors. Subsequently, we develop a detailed investment model, inclusive of key project milestones.
Our team is responsible for full project coordination, including financing, pre-letting, GC-contracting right through to obtaining the occupancy permit.